The Vision:
Co-Creating Positive Living Communities,
As Sanctuaries of Heart Based
Unity Consciousness
and Holistic New Earth…
The Purpose:
Assisting You With Your Own Development, and The Growth Of Your Positive Living Communities…
When we talk about Unity Consciousness, all we mean is the idea of people actively making a choice to get on harmoniously together.
When we talk about The Heart Based Economy, all we mean is putting love and passion at the heart of our economic and energetic exchanges, rather than just money.
Find out about the PLC Ethos here….
Exploring The Community Hub Framework
The framework we have created is based on the well established Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model, which recognises the fundamental human needs which must all be satisfied, for someone to flourish, both internally and in Community with others.
This is not presented as a prescription, but a guide to creating what works best for you and your Community.
Embracing Unity Consciousness
Unity Consciousness is all about working in creative collaboration, investing in people, and living in more harmonious ways, inside and out, utilising holistic thinking and greater self-awareness, in our interactions with others.
Becoming heart-led and contribution oriented, for the highest good of one and all, are good indicators of Unity Consciousness.
Co-creating The Heart Based Economy
The Heart Based Economy is already present as people live their passion and express their joy, during their purposeful contributions with others, and they receive benefits from the interactions they have co-created together.
The more you give from the heart, the more you receive back, and living as your authentic, true self, are key features of this advanced eco system.
Working Together In 5D+ Communities
Here is a collection of powerful and insightful perspectives on 5D+ Community Building from pioneers in their fields, the lovely Pam Gregory and Diana Cooper.
We are sharing our collective visions, insights and observations about current challenges and opportunities for co-creating Positive Living Communities, together…
Current Heart-Led Projects
Community Hub & Holistic Practitioner Resource Library
Designing, developing & implementing a multi-hub resource library, as a high frequency information resource centre.
Self-Empowered Learning Design & Transformation Modules
We are assisting people to gain insights and make personal transformational shifts, in alignment with their Higher Self.
Innovative Holistic Project Portfolio
We are coaching, mentoring & assisting innovative holistic projects to expand and flourish.
Job Board For The Heart Based Economy
A holistic recruitment service designed to assist Hubs and Positive Living Community groups to find the support capabilities and roles they need, to expand and grow their influence.