Own Your Freedom Learning Journey…


Living In The New Earth Energies, Will Require Raising Your Frequencies and Perceptions…

Some Transformational Focal Points To Consider…

Creating Sacred Living Space

Sometimes people get distracted by external events and become psychologically trapped in their mental narratives, which causes suffering, rather than creating a stable internal environment within themselves, which supports their most important self-development.

Know Thyself

Your reaction to any given situation, has the power to change the outcome of that given situation. Fully comprehending your holistic and higher self, opens up new pathways for expanded awareness.

Love Thy Neighbour

To live in peace with others in your Community, is the ideal outcome for sustainable health and well-being. Helping each other out is a natural consequence of living in a state of harmony.

Do No Harm/Cause No Loss

Becoming more conscious of the impacts that your thoughts, actions and words, can have on others, and being more aware of the consequences of those decisions you have made to express yourself.

Take No Crap!

“Love everyone but never sell your sword…” Defining what is acceptable and what is not, for you, and upholding those healthy boundaries, in ways that suit you best. Being prepared to assert yourself, with courage and confidence, as/when any thresholds are crossed, and reject any false demands or unlawful claims.

Own Your Realme

This theme includes cutting your energy chords of attachment that no longer serve you, or are part of you. Releasing outdated thought scripts and behaviours, bringing your energy chords back into your body, for a stronger more stable energy field. Empowering and Upgrading your whole being in alignment with your new consciousness shift and internal landscape. Creating healthy boundaries for yourself when interacting with others.

Your Personal Learning Journey Pathways & Roadmap…

Comprising of: –

– 11 x Insightful Online Learning Modules

– Self-Study, at your own pace, in your own way

– On-demand, lifetime access

– Personal and Group Coaching & Mentoring support available

– We put Love into every slide, in every Module

Caution before purchasing:

These modules are potentially life changing events and your self-perceptions and world views may never be the same again….

Own Your Freedom Journey –
Learning Modules


One Time

If you are energised by this and want to know more, then please get in touch…

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